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~ Olathe North Cheer Booster Club ByLaws ~
APPROVED 4/25/11
I. Name, Purpose and Objectives
II. Membership and Fees
III. Executive Board
IV. Officers
V. Meetings
VI. Finances
VII. Amendment of These By-laws
ARTICLE I Ð Name, Purpose and Objectives
Section 1.01 Name. The name of the organization is Olathe North Eagles Cheerleading
Booster Club, commonly known as ÒCheer Booster ClubÓ, hereafter referred to as the ÒClubÓ.
Section 1.02 Purpose. The purpose of the Club is to promote the cheerleading program,
coaches, and cheerleaders at Olathe North High School in an atmosphere that is consistent with
the educational philosophy of the school.
Section 1.03 Objectives. The objectives of the Club are as follows:
(a) Develop an organization with an active and involved membership that is concerned with
the cheerleading program and all of its participants.
(b) Promote school spirit and sportsmanship and encourage attendance at all Olathe North
athletic events.
(c) Provide supplementary financial support for cheerleading activities at Olathe North.
(d) Aid the staff in organizing special events and projects.
(e) Encourage and support the academic endeavors of all Olathe North cheerleaders.
ARTICLE II Ð Membership and Fees
Section 2.01 Membership Fee. A membership fee of $30 per family, paid annually in April,
shall accompany each membership form and shall become the property of the Club. All members
of the Club are considered part of the General Membership. The ClubÕs operating year will
begin April 1 of each year and run through March 31 of the following year
Section 2.02 Members Right to Privacy. Any personal information gathered or requested
by the Club is for the sole use of the Club and will not be made available to any other organization.
ARTICLE III Ð Executive Board
Section 3.01 The Executive Board shall act on behalf of the Club in the management of the
organization, except for matters decided by a vote in the General Membership Meetings. The
Executive Board shall consist of the following officers: (a) President (b) Secretary/Treasurer (c)
Fundraising Coordinator (d) Communications Coordinator (e) Special Events Coordinator (f)
Meals/Snacks Coordinator. It is required that the officers include a representative from each
squad (freshman, sophomore, junior varsity, varsity). Other Club members may serve on the Executive
Board in at-large positions.
Section 3.02 The Executive Board shall:
(a) Approve the expenditure of Club funds up to $500 per request. Any expenditure above
$500 shall require an approval vote by the General Membership. If a member is unable
to attend an in-person meeting, written notice of vote may be sent via email to the Secretary/
Treasurer, but must be received 24 hours prior to meeting.
(b) Set the time and date of General Membership Meetings and give members timely notification.
(c) Review bank issued financial statements at each meeting.
Section 3.03 If Club action is necessary before it is reasonable to convene the General Membership,
the President shall take such action based on the majority vote of the Executive Board.
A report of the action taken shall be made at the next General Membership Meeting.
Section 4.01 Duties of Officers. Officers, other than the Secretary/Treasurer, shall recruit as
many Club members as necessary to accomplish the duties of the office. The officer shall also
keep a historical file of the yearÕs proceedings, financial records, vendor contacts, etc., for turnover
to his/her successor.
(a) President. The President shall:
(1) Preside at all meetings;
(2) Serve as primary contact between Club and Head Cheerleading Coach and the
Olathe North Administration
(3) Have an official signature card on file with the bank utilized to manage the funds
of the Club and have electronic access to said accounts.
(b) Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall:
(1) Keep an accurate record of Club members as well as record of all the proceedings
of the Executive Board and the General Membership Meetings.
(2) Distribute a summary of the decisions made in these meetings to the general
membership as needed.
(3) Maintain an accurate record of the Club account(s) and report the amount of
money available in the Club account(s) at each meeting of the Executive Board and
the General Membership.
(4) Make disbursements from the Club account(s), and pay expenses approved by the
Executive Board and secure proper receipts.
(5) Have an official signature card on file with the bank utilized to manage the funds
of the Club and have electronic access to said accounts.
(c) Fundraising Coordinator. The Fundraising Coordinator shall:
(1) Be responsible for the oversight of all Club fundraising activities (i.e., Spirit Wear
sales, car wash, Dodgeball or other events).
(2) Recruit and schedule parent volunteers to assist with fundraising activities.
(3) Record the expenses and revenues for each event and report to the Secretary/
Treasurer along with the deposit of revenues.
(d) Communications Coordinator. The Communications Coordinator shall:
(1) Be responsible for the creation and email distribution of a newsletter to keep Club
members informed of the Club and cheerleading program activities.
(2) Oversee the implementation and management of the Club Facebook page.
(3) Work with the Head Coach to utilize all communications methods available, including
TextCaster, to keep Club members informed at all times.
(e) Special Events Coordinator. The Special Events Coordinator shall:
(1) Oversee the ClubÕs support and assistance with special activities and events (i.e.,
year-end awards banquet, holiday party, senior night, coaches recognition gifts,
camp-related items/activities, incentive awards)
(2) Recruit and schedule parent volunteers to assist with special activities and events.
(f) Meals/Snacks Coordinator. The Meals/Snacks Coordinator shall:
(1) Recruit a Club member from each squad (freshman, sophomore, JV, and Varsity)
to be in charge of squad snacks and drinks at each squad function.
(2) Coordinate with the Club President and Head Coach on meals or snacks needed
for competition or other special events.
ARTICLE V Ð Meetings
Section 5.01 Annual Membership Meeting. Officers for the upcoming year will be elected
by a majority vote of the General Membership at an annual meeting to be held each April, unless
otherwise specified by the Executive Board. All members who have paid a membership fee for
the upcoming year may vote. The Annual Membership Meeting date, time and location shall be
established by the outgoing Executive Board and be announced a minimum of two weeks in advance.
Section 5.02 General Membership Meetings. General Membership Meetings shall be held
as specified by the Executive Board and reasonable notice will be provided to the General Membership.
Meetings shall be open to all interested persons.
Section 5.03 Executive Board Meetings. Executive Board Meetings shall be held as specified
by the Executive Board and/or President. A summary of the decisions reached and Executive
Board members at each meeting should be distributed to all Club members within a reasonable
timeframe following the meeting and before the next General Membership Meeting.
Section 6.01 All monies received by the Club for any purpose shall be deposited to the credit
of the Club in a financial institution or institutions selected by the Executive Board.
Section 6.02 Funds raised by the Club that have a specific designated purpose, shall be deposited
(and separately tracked) in the Club account to ensure that it is disbursed for the designated
purpose and to safeguard the integrity of the Club.
Section 6.03 Funds raised by any of the Club fundraising programs can only be directed to
Club functions or purchases. All requests to direct money elsewhere must have approval of the
Executive Board.
Section 6.04 The Club President and Secretary/Treasurer shall have access to all Club account(
ARTICLE VII Ð Amendment of These By-laws
Section 7.01 Amendments to the By-laws are to be submitted in writing at a regular Executive
Board Meeting prior to the Annual Membership Meeting in April. Notice of the amendments
shall be publicized by direct mail or email to the membership at least two weeks prior to
the Annual Meeting.
Section 7.02 Amendments may be adopted at the Annual Meeting by a 2/3 majority of those
Club members voting.
I. Name, Purpose and Objectives
II. Membership and Fees
III. Executive Board
IV. Officers
V. Meetings
VI. Finances
VII. Amendment of These By-laws
ARTICLE I Ð Name, Purpose and Objectives
Section 1.01 Name. The name of the organization is Olathe North Eagles Cheerleading
Booster Club, commonly known as ÒCheer Booster ClubÓ, hereafter referred to as the ÒClubÓ.
Section 1.02 Purpose. The purpose of the Club is to promote the cheerleading program,
coaches, and cheerleaders at Olathe North High School in an atmosphere that is consistent with
the educational philosophy of the school.
Section 1.03 Objectives. The objectives of the Club are as follows:
(a) Develop an organization with an active and involved membership that is concerned with
the cheerleading program and all of its participants.
(b) Promote school spirit and sportsmanship and encourage attendance at all Olathe North
athletic events.
(c) Provide supplementary financial support for cheerleading activities at Olathe North.
(d) Aid the staff in organizing special events and projects.
(e) Encourage and support the academic endeavors of all Olathe North cheerleaders.
ARTICLE II Ð Membership and Fees
Section 2.01 Membership Fee. A membership fee of $30 per family, paid annually in April,
shall accompany each membership form and shall become the property of the Club. All members
of the Club are considered part of the General Membership. The ClubÕs operating year will
begin April 1 of each year and run through March 31 of the following year
Section 2.02 Members Right to Privacy. Any personal information gathered or requested
by the Club is for the sole use of the Club and will not be made available to any other organization.
ARTICLE III Ð Executive Board
Section 3.01 The Executive Board shall act on behalf of the Club in the management of the
organization, except for matters decided by a vote in the General Membership Meetings. The
Executive Board shall consist of the following officers: (a) President (b) Secretary/Treasurer (c)
Fundraising Coordinator (d) Communications Coordinator (e) Special Events Coordinator (f)
Meals/Snacks Coordinator. It is required that the officers include a representative from each
squad (freshman, sophomore, junior varsity, varsity). Other Club members may serve on the Executive
Board in at-large positions.
Section 3.02 The Executive Board shall:
(a) Approve the expenditure of Club funds up to $500 per request. Any expenditure above
$500 shall require an approval vote by the General Membership. If a member is unable
to attend an in-person meeting, written notice of vote may be sent via email to the Secretary/
Treasurer, but must be received 24 hours prior to meeting.
(b) Set the time and date of General Membership Meetings and give members timely notification.
(c) Review bank issued financial statements at each meeting.
Section 3.03 If Club action is necessary before it is reasonable to convene the General Membership,
the President shall take such action based on the majority vote of the Executive Board.
A report of the action taken shall be made at the next General Membership Meeting.
Section 4.01 Duties of Officers. Officers, other than the Secretary/Treasurer, shall recruit as
many Club members as necessary to accomplish the duties of the office. The officer shall also
keep a historical file of the yearÕs proceedings, financial records, vendor contacts, etc., for turnover
to his/her successor.
(a) President. The President shall:
(1) Preside at all meetings;
(2) Serve as primary contact between Club and Head Cheerleading Coach and the
Olathe North Administration
(3) Have an official signature card on file with the bank utilized to manage the funds
of the Club and have electronic access to said accounts.
(b) Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall:
(1) Keep an accurate record of Club members as well as record of all the proceedings
of the Executive Board and the General Membership Meetings.
(2) Distribute a summary of the decisions made in these meetings to the general
membership as needed.
(3) Maintain an accurate record of the Club account(s) and report the amount of
money available in the Club account(s) at each meeting of the Executive Board and
the General Membership.
(4) Make disbursements from the Club account(s), and pay expenses approved by the
Executive Board and secure proper receipts.
(5) Have an official signature card on file with the bank utilized to manage the funds
of the Club and have electronic access to said accounts.
(c) Fundraising Coordinator. The Fundraising Coordinator shall:
(1) Be responsible for the oversight of all Club fundraising activities (i.e., Spirit Wear
sales, car wash, Dodgeball or other events).
(2) Recruit and schedule parent volunteers to assist with fundraising activities.
(3) Record the expenses and revenues for each event and report to the Secretary/
Treasurer along with the deposit of revenues.
(d) Communications Coordinator. The Communications Coordinator shall:
(1) Be responsible for the creation and email distribution of a newsletter to keep Club
members informed of the Club and cheerleading program activities.
(2) Oversee the implementation and management of the Club Facebook page.
(3) Work with the Head Coach to utilize all communications methods available, including
TextCaster, to keep Club members informed at all times.
(e) Special Events Coordinator. The Special Events Coordinator shall:
(1) Oversee the ClubÕs support and assistance with special activities and events (i.e.,
year-end awards banquet, holiday party, senior night, coaches recognition gifts,
camp-related items/activities, incentive awards)
(2) Recruit and schedule parent volunteers to assist with special activities and events.
(f) Meals/Snacks Coordinator. The Meals/Snacks Coordinator shall:
(1) Recruit a Club member from each squad (freshman, sophomore, JV, and Varsity)
to be in charge of squad snacks and drinks at each squad function.
(2) Coordinate with the Club President and Head Coach on meals or snacks needed
for competition or other special events.
ARTICLE V Ð Meetings
Section 5.01 Annual Membership Meeting. Officers for the upcoming year will be elected
by a majority vote of the General Membership at an annual meeting to be held each April, unless
otherwise specified by the Executive Board. All members who have paid a membership fee for
the upcoming year may vote. The Annual Membership Meeting date, time and location shall be
established by the outgoing Executive Board and be announced a minimum of two weeks in advance.
Section 5.02 General Membership Meetings. General Membership Meetings shall be held
as specified by the Executive Board and reasonable notice will be provided to the General Membership.
Meetings shall be open to all interested persons.
Section 5.03 Executive Board Meetings. Executive Board Meetings shall be held as specified
by the Executive Board and/or President. A summary of the decisions reached and Executive
Board members at each meeting should be distributed to all Club members within a reasonable
timeframe following the meeting and before the next General Membership Meeting.
Section 6.01 All monies received by the Club for any purpose shall be deposited to the credit
of the Club in a financial institution or institutions selected by the Executive Board.
Section 6.02 Funds raised by the Club that have a specific designated purpose, shall be deposited
(and separately tracked) in the Club account to ensure that it is disbursed for the designated
purpose and to safeguard the integrity of the Club.
Section 6.03 Funds raised by any of the Club fundraising programs can only be directed to
Club functions or purchases. All requests to direct money elsewhere must have approval of the
Executive Board.
Section 6.04 The Club President and Secretary/Treasurer shall have access to all Club account(
ARTICLE VII Ð Amendment of These By-laws
Section 7.01 Amendments to the By-laws are to be submitted in writing at a regular Executive
Board Meeting prior to the Annual Membership Meeting in April. Notice of the amendments
shall be publicized by direct mail or email to the membership at least two weeks prior to
the Annual Meeting.
Section 7.02 Amendments may be adopted at the Annual Meeting by a 2/3 majority of those
Club members voting.